

Welcome to my art commission information! I am an artist specializing in drawing with ink liners and digital coloring. My artistic style is inspired by cyberpunk, biopunk, and nature themes, such as moss and mushrooms. I also enjoy exploring technological themes, sci-fi elements, and abandoned structures in my artwork. I offer commissioned art services for portraits, environments, and streetscapes in these unique and captivating styles.

With my expertise in combining ink liners and digital coloring, I strive to create visually stunning and captivating pieces that bring your ideas to life. Whether you’re looking for a futuristic cyberpunk portrait, a biopunk-themed environment, or a nature-inspired streetscape, I’m excited to collaborate with you and turn your vision into reality.

In this commission information document, I’ll provide you with all the details you need to know about my commission process, pricing, timeline, usage rights, and more. Please read through the following sections to get a comprehensive understanding of how we can work together to create a one-of-a-kind artwork that meets your artistic vision and requirements. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss your commission ideas further. I’m looking forward to working with you!

Commission Details

I offer two categories of commissions: personal and commercial.

Personal Commissions:

  • Portraits based on provided photos, birds, environments, fan art, or objects for non-commercial use.
  • Starting from $150 for a chest-up portrait with minimal details, simple background, and flat colors.
  • Complexity grades range from simple to detailed, with the option to add more detailed elements for an extra payment.
  • Customizations and additional elements can be discussed during the commission process.
  • Final price based on complexity grade, additional elements, and customizations.

Commercial Commissions:

  • Music singles, EPs, albums, book covers, games, comic books, and more.
  • Starting from $250 for a single image.
  • Pricing based on the type of commercial use and complexity of the project.
  • Complexity grades range from basic to complex, with customizations discussed during the commission process.
  • Final price determined based on complexity grade, additional elements, and licensing requirements.

I am committed to providing transparent pricing and working closely with you to meet your artistic vision and commercial needs. Please feel free to discuss your specific requirements and budget during the commission process, and I will provide a fair and accurate pricing quote based on your unique needs.

Pricing and Payment Terms

  • All prices are in Australian dollars (AUD).
  • A 50% non-refundable advance payment is required before the work starts.
  • The final work in high resolution will be delivered only after 100% payment has been received.
  • Payment can be made through a secure online platform, such as PayPal or bank transfer.
  • Customized payment plans may be available upon request.
  • Any additional fees, such as shipping or rush fees, will be discussed and agreed upon during the commission process.
  • Prices are subject to change based on the complexity of the commission or specific client requests.
  • I will provide a detailed invoice with a breakdown of costs for transparency and clarity.
  • Once the commission is completed, any changes or revisions beyond the scope of the original agreement may incur additional charges.

I am dedicated to ensuring a smooth and transparent payment process, and I appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the payment terms outlined above. Please feel free to discuss any questions or concerns regarding pricing or payment during the commission process.

Process and Timeline

  • The commission process typically requires a minimum of two weeks for completion.
  • The timeline may vary depending on the complexity of the commission, the number of added details, and the current workload of the artist.
  • If you have a specific deadline or timeline in mind, please contact me to discuss the possibilities, even if it is shorter than the standard timeline.
  • I am committed to providing high-quality artwork and ensuring that each commission receives the attention it deserves.
  • Throughout the process, I will keep you updated on the progress of your commission, including any changes or revisions.
  • Communication is key, and I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or special requests during the commission process.
  • Please note that I am located in Australia, Brisbane timezone (GMT+10), and this should be considered during correspondence for timely communication.
  • I will strive to provide timely responses to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for you as my valued client.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to the commission process and timeline. I look forward to bringing your vision to life through my artwork.

Rights and Usage

As the artist, I retain certain rights to the artwork I create, including both personal and commercial commissions. The following is a detailed description of the rights of usage for each type of commission:

Personal Commissions:

  • You, as the client, will receive a high-resolution digital copy of the commissioned artwork for personal use only.
  • The artwork is intended for your personal enjoyment and may not be used for any commercial purposes without obtaining prior written consent from me, the artist.
  • You have the right to print and display the artwork in your personal space, share it on social media with proper credit given to me as the artist, and use it as a profile picture or wallpaper for personal use.
  • You may not alter, reproduce, or distribute the artwork without my explicit permission.
  • I, as the artist, retain the right to use the commissioned artwork for promotional purposes, such as displaying it in my portfolio, sharing it on social media, or using it for promotional materials, with proper credit given to you as the client.

Commercial Commissions:

  • Commercial commissions are subject to a separate usage fee, which will be discussed and agreed upon before the start of the commission.
  • The rights of usage for commercial commissions may vary depending on the specific type of commercial use and will be outlined in the commission agreement.
  • Commercial usage typically includes but is not limited to, music singles, EPs, albums, book covers, games, comic books, merchandise, advertising, and promotional materials.
  • The client will receive a high-resolution digital copy of the commissioned artwork for the agreed-upon commercial usage.
  • Any additional usage beyond the agreed-upon terms will require obtaining prior written consent from me, the artist, and may be subject to additional fees.
  • I, as the artist, retain the right to use the commissioned artwork for promotional purposes, such as displaying it in my portfolio, sharing it on social media, or using it for promotional materials, with proper credit given to you as the client.

Please note that these rights of usage are based on standard practices followed by Australian artists, and any specific terms or agreements may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in respecting the rights of usage for both personal and commercial commissions. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to contact me.

Communication and Updates

The commission process starts with the client providing their requirements and any reference materials, if required. Based on the provided information, I, as the artist, will create a quote with the price for the commission.

Once the subject and price are agreed upon, the client is required to make a non-refundable advance payment of 50% of the total commission cost before the work begins.

The commission progresses as follows:

  1. First Rough Sketch: After receiving the advance payment, I will create a rough sketch outlining the subject and composition of the artwork. This will be sent to the client for review and feedback.
  • At this stage, the client has the opportunity to request changes to the subject or composition.
  • Any significant changes requested after this stage may require additional payment, as it may affect the overall scope and complexity of the artwork.
  1. Small Fixes Rounds: After the first rough sketch is approved, I will proceed with the final artwork. The client may request up to 3 rounds of small fixes, such as adding small details or changing colors within the agreed-upon style.
  • These small fixes are included in the commission price.
  1. Final Artwork Approval: Once the final artwork is complete, I will send a low-resolution preview to the client for final approval.
  • The client should carefully review the artwork and provide any last-minute feedback or minor adjustments, if needed.
  • After the final artwork is approved, the client is required to pay the remaining 50% of the commission cost.
  1. Final High-Resolution Artwork: Upon receiving the full payment, I will send the final high-resolution image to the client in the agreed-upon format.
  • The client will have full usage rights for the artwork as outlined in the commission agreement.

Please note that as an artist, I create in my own unique style, and the client should be familiar with my style when requesting the commission. I strive to provide a smooth and collaborative process to ensure the client’s satisfaction with the final artwork.

If you have any questions or require further clarification on the commission process, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation throughout the commission process.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

As a professional artist, I have a cancellation and refund policy in place to ensure a fair and transparent approach to commission cancellations. The policy is as follows:

  1. Cancellation by the Client:
  • If the client cancels the commission before the work has started, the advance payment made by the client is non-refundable.
  • If the client cancels the commission after the work has started, the advance payment is non-refundable, and the client may be responsible for additional payment based on the progress of the artwork.
  • If the client cancels the commission after the final artwork has been approved and delivered, no refund will be issued.
  1. Cancellation by the Artist:
  • If for any reason, I, as the artist, am unable to complete the commission, I will notify the client as soon as possible.
  • In such cases, the client will receive a full refund of any advance payment made for the commission.
  1. Refund Exceptions:
  • Refunds will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, such as unforeseen personal emergencies or health issues that prevent the completion of the commission.
  • Any refund requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and a decision will be made at the discretion of the artist.
  1. Communication and Agreement:
  • It is essential for the client and the artist to maintain clear and open communication throughout the commission process.
  • Any changes or cancellations must be agreed upon by both parties in writing or via email to ensure mutual understanding and consent.

Please note that the cancellation and refund policy may vary depending on the specific circumstances and agreement between the client and the artist. It is recommended to discuss and confirm the cancellation and refund policy in writing before proceeding with a commission to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation regarding the cancellation and refund policy.

Client Responsibilities

I strive to provide the best possible service and deliver high-quality commissioned artwork. To ensure a smooth and successful commission process, it’s important for clients to understand and fulfill their responsibilities as well. Here are the client responsibilities typically followed by professional Australian artists:

  1. Providing Clear Requirements: Clients are responsible for providing clear and detailed requirements for their commissioned artwork, including subject matter, style, size, and any specific references or inspirations. The more detailed and precise the requirements, the better the artist can understand and fulfill the client’s vision.
  2. Timely Communication: Clients should respond to artist’s messages and inquiries in a timely manner. Prompt communication helps in keeping the commission process on track and avoids delays.
  3. Payment Obligations: Clients are responsible for making the required advance payment of 50% before the commission work starts, and the remaining 50% upon completion of the artwork. Prompt and full payment is necessary to ensure that the artist can complete and deliver the artwork as agreed upon.
  4. Feedback and Changes: Clients are responsible for providing feedback on the rough sketches or work-in-progress stages, and requesting changes or revisions in a timely manner. It’s important to provide constructive feedback and clarify any desired changes during the agreed-upon stages of the commission process.
  5. Respecting Artist’s Style: Clients should understand and respect the artist’s style and creative decisions. Commissioning an artist means trusting their artistic expertise and style, and not expecting them to deviate from their signature style or artistic approach.
  6. Mutual Respect: Clients are expected to communicate respectfully with the artist and maintain a professional relationship throughout the commission process. Any disagreements or concerns should be addressed in a respectful and constructive manner.

By understanding and fulfilling these client responsibilities, clients can help ensure a smooth and successful commission process, and collaborate effectively with the artist to achieve their desired commissioned artwork.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Copyright and Usage: The commissioned artwork is the intellectual property of the artist, and the client is granted personal or commercial usage rights based on the agreed-upon terms. Personal usage rights typically allow the client to use the artwork for personal, non-commercial purposes, while commercial usage rights allow the client to use the artwork for commercial purposes as agreed upon. The artist retains the copyright and may use the commissioned artwork for promotional purposes, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  1. Payment Terms: Clients are required to make a non-refundable advance payment of 50% of the total commission price before the commission work starts. The remaining 50% is due upon completion of the artwork. Payments are typically made in Australian dollars, and the artist may charge additional fees for any changes or revisions requested by the client beyond the agreed-upon stages.
  1. Delivery Timeline: The commission process may take at least two weeks or longer, depending on the complexity of the artwork, number of added details, and the artist’s workload. The artist will provide an estimated timeline, but it may be subject to change. The client is encouraged to contact the artist to discuss possibilities if they have a shorter timeline.
  1. Cancellation and Refunds: If the client wishes to cancel the commission after the work has started, the non-refundable advance payment may be retained by the artist. If the cancellation occurs before the work has started, a partial refund may be considered at the artist’s discretion. Refunds are not typically provided for completed or delivered artwork.
  1. Revisions and Changes: Clients are typically allowed up to three rounds of small fixes or revisions during the commission process. Significant changes or additional revisions beyond the agreed-upon stages may require additional payment. The artist will strive to accommodate reasonable changes, but it’s important to understand that major changes may affect the agreed-upon timeline and pricing.
  1. Liability: The artist is not responsible for any loss, damage, or delay in the commissioned artwork caused by factors beyond their control, such as technical issues, force majeure, or client’s delay in providing feedback or approvals. The client is responsible for providing accurate information, references, and approvals in a timely manner to ensure the smooth progress of the commission process.
  1. Confidentiality: The artist and client may mutually agree to keep the commission and related communications confidential, unless otherwise agreed upon.

These are the general terms and conditions followed by professional Australian artists during the commission process. It’s important for clients to review and understand these terms and conditions before commissioning artwork, and any specific terms or conditions may be discussed and agreed upon between the artist and client on a case-by-case basis.

Contact Information

I prefer to use Email for general commissions communication.


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